
Contact Sina Alto


Phone 1:+86 18718913836


address:Block A1, Xinlukou Industrial Zone, 15 She, Xiamao Section,Shijing Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, China

consultation Message

Keep improving and carry out the emulsifier business to the end!

Release time:2020-06-17 Number of hits:77

abstractSina Alto has been engaged in the machinery industry since 1988. It has been 32 years since then. In 2000, it established Sina chemical machinery equipment factory in Gaoyou City, becoming the first group of brands engaged in the cosmetics machinery industry, with independent R & D strength, and established a production and R & D team composed of German experts and senior engineers.

  Sina Alto was engaged in the machinery industry in 1988. It has been 32 years since then. In 2000, it established Sina chemical machinery plant in Gaoyou City, becoming the first group of brands engaged in the cosmetics machinery industry, with independent R & D strength, and established a production and R & D team composed of German experts and senior engineers. With 30 years of development, Sina Alto has formed a complete set of R & D, production and sales , after sale system; keep improving, carry out the emulsifier business to the end!

contact:Miranda Ho

What's app/Wechat number: +86 18718913836

location:Block A1, Xinlukou Industrial Zone, 15 She

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