
Contact Sina Alto


Phone 1:+86 18718913836


address:Block A1, Xinlukou Industrial Zone, 15 She, Xiamao Section,Shijing Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, China

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[Sina Alto] the magic weapon of winning the brand road of emulsifier in 30 years

Release time:2020-06-17 Number of hits:169

Abstract: Sina Alto is a machinery brand with 30 years of emulsification equipment business. It was engaged in the chemical machinery industry in 1988, built a factory in 2000, acquired Guangzhou Jingcheng machinery in 2008, and acquired Guangzhou SOGO machinery in 2011. Along the way, it has made continuous progress.

  Sina Alto is a machinery brand with 30 years of vacuum homogenization emulsifier equipment business. It was engaged in the chemical machinery industry in 1988, built a factory in 2000, acquired Guangzhou Jingcheng machinery in 2008, and acquired Guangzhou SOGO machinery in 2011. Along the way, it has made continuous progress.

  Why can Sina Alto maintain a strong position in the 30-year competition in the mechanical equipment industry?

  Sina Alto has a long-term vision and direction. Since the establishment of the factory, it has continuously improved its product quality and product performance, so it has built an excellent production and R & D team. Science and technology is the first productivity, the world is constantly developing and improving, and standing still is equal to stepping backward. Therefore, only with the progress of the society, can it continuously meet the needs of the market and customers , there is a chance to seize the market.

contact:Miranda Ho

What's app/Wechat number: +86 18718913836

location:Block A1, Xinlukou Industrial Zone, 15 She

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