
Contact Sina Alto


Phone 1:+86 18718913836


address:Block A1, Xinlukou Industrial Zone, 15 She, Xiamao Section,Shijing Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, China

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Invitation letter of 2019 China International Packaging Exhibition of raw materials and equipment for daily chemical products

Release time:2020-06-17 Number of hits:49

【abstract】Guangzhou Sina Alto Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd. was founded in 1990. It is a professional manufacturer of various cosmetics machinery and equipment with sina Alto equipment (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. as a solid backing, German national organization design center and National Light Industry Daily Chemical Research Institute as the support, senior engineer and other experts as the technical core.。

  【Sina aituo Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd】



   place:Nanjing International Expo Center 

  Guangzhou Sina Alto Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd. was founded in 1990. It is a professional manufacturer of various cosmetics machinery and equipment with sina Alto equipment (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. as a solid backing, German national organization design center and National Light Industry Daily Chemical Research Institute as the support, senior engineer and other experts as the technical core.

  The company's product range to meet the diverse needs of customers. The products include vacuum homogenizing emulsification pot, liquid mixer, RO reverse osmosis water treatment series, all kinds of cream filling machine, liquid filling machine, powder filling machine, labeling machine and its make-up, perfume and other manufacturing equipment.

  After 11 years of continuous development, the scale of China International daily chemical product raw material and equipment packaging exhibition, sponsored by China washing industry association (hereinafter referred to asChina washing Association"), has been increasing year by year, with more categories of products and more contents. It has become a well-known high-end exhibition in domestic and foreign daily chemical industry, and gradually become the wind vane of the industry development trend. In order to further enhance the communication and exchange between the upstream and downstream of domestic and foreign daily chemical industry and promote the high-quality development of the industry, China washing agreement held2019 (12th) China International daily chemical product raw material and equipment packaging exhibition" in Nanjing in late 2019, the theme of this exhibition isgreen innovation" Healthy consumptionprovides a platform for professional suppliers, distributors, purchasers and product providers to display, exchange and cooperate with each other through the exhibition platform, broaden domestic and foreign consumer markets of daily chemical products, promote domestic and international integration of daily chemical industry, and promote high-quality development of daily chemical industry.

contact:Miranda Ho

What's app/Wechat number: +86 18718913836

location:Block A1, Xinlukou Industrial Zone, 15 She

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